Thursday, September 11, 2008

Beech Bend

Leslie, this is for you!

Kate is trying to keep cool in her diaper while she watches the race.

Regina and Henry are trying to keep cool.

Jackie, Steve, Buzzy, Steve's Dad, and Heavy work on the fender between races.

I told Buzzy that I was going to take a picture and this is the pose I got! He is so funny!

I went to see Steve race at Beech Bend finally! Regina rode to Bowling Green with me so Kate would have some company in the back seat. The race was GREAT! Steve placed third on the second race. Kate enjoyed the race too. She sat in my lap for the firs 50 laps and watched the cars go by. It looked just like she was watching what was going on. She couldn't stay awake for the last 50 laps, it was her bedtime. We had a great time and I can't wait to go again!


Leslie said...

I'm glad you posted the most flattering picture that you have of me! We loved having everyone there. It's too bad that there are only two races left. You and Kate and those Amos' will have to start earlier next year!

mimisboys said...

I was glad you & Kate got to come to the race. It was soooo hot!!! It won't be long before Kate and Henry will be playing in Stevie's trailer just like Buzzy does. It will be different with dolls mixed in with all the tools and race parts!

Leslie said...

thank you! that one is a little better!